From China to Afghanistan is breaking news

Clinton flew from China to Afghanistan

News Alert
07:53 AM EDT Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Clinton makes unannounced trip to Afghanistan

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton lands in Kabul following visit to China with President Barack Obama.

For more information, visit -

Perhaps unannounced is what makes it breaking news. However, they often go unannounced so the bad guys cannot prepare an unwanted welcome.

I tried both "clinton visit afghanistan" and "clinton visit (afghanistan OR kabul)" Adding OR Kabul added about 100 messages to the stream -- 3235 up to 414. Almost all of the stream was about this visit with only a few at from before the 18th.

Stop search: At 14:30 p.m. January 1, 2009 444 messages were found. The Archivist trendline is

The .txt file ready for Excel is clinton visit (Afghanistan OR Kabul).txt